Sunday, June 26, 2011

One more step in the right direction

As everybody and the world know by now, a same sex marriage bill was passed in New York State's Senate and signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday night. Thousands of weddings are being planned, and the crowd that will be present during today's NYC's Pride March will have a new reason to celebrate... perhaps the biggest reason to date.

In a country built on the premises of democracy human beings should have the same rights as they have responsibilities. Not to mention, equality is one of those things that, in my opinion, is a matter of common sense. That the GLBT community is still fighting to be recognized as first class citizens is a shame.

The majority of New Yorkers are celebrating this victory today, and I never felt more proud to be one of them. 

I leave you with an image of the Empire State Building illuminated in the rainbow colors. It makes me all misty eyed...   

1 comment:

  1. Thats beautiful.....Way to go New York,,,,,,maybe one day Texas will wake up and do the same....
